A raspberry ... A royal white icing, some vermicelli of colors, 1 horse in fine dough and a plate "happy birthday" in sugar paste.

My decor of this Saturday

 My deco this Saturday
 My deco this Saturday
My deco this Saturday

A raspberry ...

A royal white icing, some vermicelli of colors, 1 horse in paste of fine and a plate "happy birthday" in sugar paste.

 weekend in room d Itemprop =

We had planned our Easter weekend in bed and breakfast. We had chosen the Charterhouse in Yonne. We have not been disappointed. a warm welcome, simple in the good mood .the place is quiet, the ideal setting for a total rest and in silence .........

 April vegetables

recipes simple, fast and according to my mood and my courage ......

 Banoffee tart jamie Oliver

- shortbread dough enough to prepare a pie shell about 20 cm in diameter 3 bananas 1 briquette of 20 cl of liquid cream (30% of fat mat) 100 ml of milk 8 good c? s sugar powder vanilla sugar vanilla coffee liquor chocolate powder ......

 Good weekend

recipes simple, fast and according to my mood and my courage ......