This recipe is a lukewarm tasting that the chocolate is still soft.Excellent and fast..for 4 small gourmand Spread the pasta and put the tablet of pralinoise in the center, cut out as in the photos, sliced ​​banana that you put on the tablet, sprinkle ...

Banana praline pastry

 Banana Praline Puff
 Banana praline pastry
 Puff pastry banana praline
 Banana praline pastry
Banana praline pastry

This recipe is a warm tasting that the chocolate is still soft.Excellent and fast.for 4 little greedy

Spread the pasta and put the slice of pralinoise in the center, cut as on photos, slice the banana that you put on the tablet, sprinkle with praline for the crunchy, you can put some nuts ... Fold as pictures, brush with egg yolks, bake 20 minutes to preheat 180 *.

 Caramel cream

Ingredient 4 eggs, 1 box of concentrated milk sugar, the box filled with milk mixture put all the caramel in the bottom of the pots pours the preparation over put 35min program 3 Cool and put in the fridge. I made 8pots ......

 All-chocolate express pacifier

Chocolate express lollipop 2 package oreo 3 cases Nutella 2 shocks of shock white Sequins of sugars deco Mix the oreo finely Add Nutella and mix to make a homogeneous Pate Form dumplings Melt 2 white chocolate bars ......

 Cream of leeks potatoes

Pictures: before/after ........ Ingredient for 4 to see 6 ... I love it 3 beautiful leeks 5 or6 beautiful potatoes 1 laughing cow Peels and lava your leeks and potatoes Cups apples in 4 if they are big Size roughly ......

 Toast Gingerbread/Epoisse

I preferred to serve as an aperitif, so no salad for me ... Ingredients (6 servings): 1 fresh gingerbread 1 fresh epoisses (especially not refined!) 1 green salad Cut slices of gingerbread ( 2 to 3 per person). Cut slices of epoisse ......