125 g sweet butter 50 cl milk 4 large eggs 150 g sugar 70 g flour 45 g bitter cocoa 1. Separate the egg yolks from the egg yolks. 2. In a bowl, whisk the yolks with the sugar until the mixture whitens. 3. Add the butter ...

Magic chocolate cake by Cyril LIGNAC

  • 125 g of sweet butter

  • 50 cl milk

  • 4 large eggs

  • 150 g of sugar

  • 70 g of flour

  • 45 g of bitter cocoa

1. Separate the whites from the egg yolks.

2. In a bowl, whisk the yolks with the sugar until the mixture whitens.

3. Stir in the melted butter. br>
4. Mix the flour and cocoa powder and add them to the preparation.

5. Add the lukewarm milk little by little.

6. Whip the white ones of eggs in snow.

7. Add 2 spoonfuls of whites to the dough with a whisk, stirring briskly. Then add the rest gradually, gently, using a whip to make it easier. The preparation is very liquid so it is difficult to incorporate white snow. It will remain heavy lumps, it is normal.

8. Pour the dough in a mold to a lack of 26 cm in diameter. To facilitate demolding, I took a silicone mold. If you do not have one, consider putting baking paper in your mold before pouring the dough.

9. Bake for 55 minutes in the preheated oven at 150 ° C.

10. Allow it to cool completely and let it sit for at least 3 hours in the refrigerator. (It is still a little liquid coming out of the oven and will solidify while cooling).

 magic chocolate cake by Cyril LIGNAC
magic chocolate cake by Cyril LIGNAC
 Banoffee tart jamie Oliver

- shortbread dough enough to prepare a pie shell about 20 cm in diameter 3 bananas 1 briquette of 20 cl of liquid cream (30% of fat mat) 100 ml of milk 8 good c? s sugar powder vanilla sugar vanilla coffee liquor chocolate powder ......

 Oup's no recipe ......

Hi .. No mistake, there was no recipes today ... I had a mission to do and I did not take the time to cook ... Promise tomorrow I put it back !!!!!...

 Soup broth beef in my way

When it's cold, I love to make this kind of simple soup fast and effortless ...... Ingredients 2 cubes of beef broth 1,5litre water Soup (letters, star etc.) Heat the water with the 2 cubes When everything is hot, add ......

 My deco this Saturday

A raspberry ... A royal white icing, some vermicelli of colors, 1 horse in fine dough and a plate "happy birthday" in sugar paste....