Ingredients: 200 g caster sugar 200 g ground almonds 2 egg whites 1/2 tbsp bitter almond extract Preparation: Put the sugar in the bowl and mix for 10 seconds at speed 9, then reserve in a small bowl Put the almonds in ...

Cook'in almond paste


200 g of powdered sugar

200 g ground almonds

2 egg whites

1/2 teaspoon extract
> bitter almonds


Put the sugar in the bowl and mix 10 seconds at speed 9, then reserve in a small bowl

Put the almonds in the bowl and mix 50 seconds at speed 10

add the sugar and mix 10 seconds at speed 3 by introducing through the opening of the lid the whites and the extract of bitter almonds.

Put the dough in the fridge for 1/2 hour before working on it.

bagnat bread (5pqins) -500g of flour -20g of fresh baker's yeast -1cc of salt -1cc of sugar -300ml of warm water about -1c tablespoon of olive oil -Dilute the yeast in warm water with the sugar -In the bowl of the kneader put the flour the yeast ......

Thanks to my sister-in-law and my grandmother for the pumpkins Preparation time: 40 minutes Cooking time: 45 minutes Ingredients (for 8 parts of cake): 1 kilo and a half of pumpkin 140 g of flour 4 eggs 150 g of sugar 01/2 liter of milk ......

Ingredients (2 portions): - 1 shallot - 1 knob of butter - 50 cl of red wine 100 g of bacon - 15 cl of veal stock - vinegar -2 eggs (large) salt and pepper Finely chop the shallot. In a saucepan and melt the nut of butter and ......

Nothing is easier than this recipe and very good. Ingredient: Red cabbage salad 1/2 red cabbage rasp 1/2 white cabbage rasp 1/2 red onion tap 1 natural yoghurt, 1/2bunch minced parsley Salt pepper 1cash mustard 1/2 lemon juice 1 bunch chopped parsley....