Ingredient for 4 or 5: 1 sheet A4, 1 pair of scissors, markers, print the template below, scotch.print the model below in 3 or 4 or 5 copies, color it, put a scoth tape about 3 cm, find a "victim" and stick to him ...

April Fool's Day Recipe

Ingredient for 4 or 5: 1 sheet A4.1pair of scissors, markers, print the template below, scotch.print the model below in 3 or 4 or 5 copies, color it , put a scoth tape about 3 cm, find a "victim" and stick him discreetly danthony the back ..

Thanks to my sister-in-law and my grandmother for the pumpkins Preparation time: 40 minutes Cooking time: 45 minutes Ingredients (for 8 parts of cake): 1 kilo and a half of pumpkin 140 g of flour 4 eggs 150 g of sugar 01/2 liter of milk ......

This recipe is a lukewarm tasting that the chocolate is still soft.Excellent and fast..for 4 small gourmand Spread the pasta and put the tablet of pralinoise in the center, cut out as in the photos, sliced ​​banana that you put on the tablet, sprinkle ......

recipes simple, fast and according to my mood and my courage ......

bagnat bread (5pqins) -500g of flour -20g of fresh baker's yeast -1cc of salt -1cc of sugar -300ml of warm water about -1c tablespoon of olive oil -Dilute the yeast in warm water with the sugar -In the bowl of the kneader put the flour the yeast ......