This recipe is a lukewarm tasting that the chocolate is still soft.Excellent and fast..for 4 small gourmand Spread the pasta and put the tablet of pralinoise in the center, cut out as in the photos, sliced ​​banana that you put on the tablet, sprinkle ...

Banana praline pastry

This recipe is a warm tasting that the chocolate is still soft.Excellent and fast.for 4 little greedy

Spread the pasta and put the slice of pralinoise in the center, cut as on photos, slice the banana that you put on the tablet, sprinkle with praline for the crunchy, you can put some nuts ... Fold as pictures, brush with egg yolks, bake 20 minutes to preheat 180 *.

Ingredient: 135g homemade praline, 95g butter at room temperature, 60gsugar, 20g egg whites .make an Italian meringue with sugar and egg whites. (Melt whites and heat sugar to 121 *, combine 2 by beating), put the butter ......

Ingredients (2 portions): - 1 shallot - 1 knob of butter - 50 cl of red wine 100 g of bacon - 15 cl of veal stock - vinegar -2 eggs (large) salt and pepper Finely chop the shallot. In a saucepan and melt the nut of butter and ......

When it's cold, I love to make this kind of simple soup fast and effortless ...... Ingredients 2 cubes of beef broth 1,5litre water Soup (letters, star etc.) Heat the water with the 2 cubes When everything is hot, add ......

recipes simple, fast and according to my mood and my courage ......